Journey to Yourself

Experience yoga with personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Whether you're a curious beginner or an experienced yogi seeking to deepen your practice, one-on-one sessions are for anyone. I will be your dedicated yoga instructor standing by your side, creating each session to lead you into the wonders of your-Self. We'll dive into the profound philosophy of Yoga. I will be guiding you through a customized practice that fosters physical strength, mental clarity, and connection to your inner Self. Throughout our personalized journey, you'll embark on a beautiful adventure, gaining a deeper understanding of Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation.

Let me be your trusted companion as you explore the limitless possibilities within yoga and embark on a path of self-discovery and well-being.

Start your yoga Journey today. 

What to expect?

  • Intensive personal program

  • 1:1 personalized private session every week via Zoom or Google Meets

  • All aspects of Yoga - Physical Practice, Philosophy, Mantra, Spirituality,

  • In-dept learning

  • Chat via. WhatsApp - daily checks

  • Tools for self-discovery and well-being for your everyday life

  • Transformation on a physical, mental, and spiritual level

  • Recorded and written material

 Yoga and Tantra Yoga

Shaiva Tantra is a philosophy of full embodiment. It emphasizes integrating spiritual practices with physical experiences, leading to a holistic understanding of ourselves. In this view, emotions and sensations are not inherently good or bad, but rather energetic forces that can be transformed and used for spiritual growth. Shaiva Tantra acknowledges the sacredness of all experience.

Embodying Advaita Vedanta means embodying a non-dualistic view of life. This philosophy emphasizes the oneness of all things.

Hatha yoga, with its focus on physical postures, cultivates strength, flexibility, and breath control, preparing the body for usually formal meditation. It also aims to calm the mind, improve focus, and enhance awareness of the body's energy systems. Classes draw inspiration from the teachings of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, as well as my teachers at Akasha Yoga Academy, including Kirsten, Burkhard, and Devdas.

For those seeking a meditation practice, I also offer classes inspired by Hridaya Yoga. Hridaya meditation is a path of self-discovery that focuses on connecting with the spiritual heart. It incorporates techniques such as awareness of the heart center, awareness of pauses in the breath, and self-inquiry ("Who am I?").

Are you ready?

Book a free call with me!

I'd be happy to have a free 20-minute discovery call with you to discuss your interest in private 1:1 yoga guidance. During this call, we can discuss your unique needs and goals, and I can explain my approach in more detail. I will be there to answer any questions you have about the program.

I look forward to connecting with you and helping you embark on your Journey.

Please provide your availability and preferred contact details, and I'll schedule a call at your convenience.

Eric, Portugal

“Thank you for your knowledge, Lucy. By far the best yoga I've had and I've been in many places. So grateful to be connected..”

Patricia, US

“Lucie is an absolute joy to take classes from. She has an openness to holding the space for her students. I would highly recommend her classes knowing her light-hearted and intuitive nature..”